Master Trainer

Dimitri chrisoulis

I began working out at a fairly young age, around 15 years old. Initially, I wanted to enhance my physical strength to excel in sports and push myself to higher levels. Soon, I realized how much impact proper training and nutrition had on sports performance. Over time, my love for training intensified, to the extent that I became more invested in improving my body composition than in playing sports. This passion for fitness inspired me to pursue an Exercise Science degree at university. Through this program, I gained expertise in human physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition, which I used to develop my physique for athletic pursuits. This experience deepened my enthusiasm for training and nutrition, to the point where I decided to help others achieve their fitness goals by becoming a personal trainer and coach.

My pursuits will also continue in the coming year to studying a masters in physiotherapy so that I can begin assisting those with chronic related issues as well as rehabilitate individuals with injuries.


  • Strength & Hypertrophy

  • Advanced Fat Loss

  • Body Recomposition 

  • Program Periodisation

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